If you’re like many of us, burnout usually finds a way to creep in. It's important to take a pause and rest.

Rest isn’t slacking, it’s recharging. You’ve accomplished more than you might give yourself credit for! Take time to reflect and allow yourself to slow down. 

It’s normal to feel a mix of emotions such as nostalgia, joy, guilt, or even loneliness. Rather than suppressing, let yourself feel what you feel. This time of year is not always easy and many of us may be facing challenging feelings.

To combat burnout, take a pause and celebrate your wins. Practice self care and the healthy habits that make you feel your best, such as family get-togethers, exercise, or journaling. Really unplug from work and protect your downtime. The holidays are the perfect time for this. It helps you refresh so you can return to work more focused than ever!

You can’t pour from an empty cup. So take that break. You deserve it.

A professional photo of Vas Nair in a blue dress smiling

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I'm Vas Nair. Leveraging my expertise as a trusted Fortune 500 Global C-suite leader, I excel in orchestrating strategic priorities, leading teams, and engaging stakeholders to achieve desired outcomes.  

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